Monthly Archives: July 2014

Fashion Inspired by The Legend of Korra

Pretty x Smart

Dress like your favorite ass-kicking, probending, world-saving super woman!


DISCLAIMER: I am not entirely caught up in The Legend of Korra, so I apologize in advance if my knowledge of Korra is not up-to-date. Also, there will be no spoilers in this article! Safe to read!

If you have not seen the amazingness that is Avatar: The Last Airbender/ The Legend of Korra, please open a new tab or turn on your TV and watch it. Now. I’ll wait….

Did you see it? Good! Avatar and Korra are, in my opinion, some of the best (if not the best) TV shows ever made. Can you think of another kids show that deals with issues like imperialism, classism, colonialism, feminism, immigration, ableism, ethic of war, animal cruelty, industrialization, and government corruption in a complex and thoughtful way while featuring a cast of characters that exhibits a diversity of race, gender, physical…

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Houston, we have a problem. Period : 3 Major Problems with the Menstrual Product Industry (and What You Can Do About It!)

Hey Guys! This is my new blog I started with my friend! Its going to be
a Feminism/Fashion blog and I will be doing more of my polyvore sets and outfits for it! If you’re interested go check it out and follow us! Thank you so so much!

Pretty x Smart

As most menstruating people will tell you, we have more than enough to deal with during our periods. Between ceaseless cramps, constant cravings, and hygiene products that never seem to be quite effective enough to make wearing white a possibility, there are plenty of things to be paranoid about during that time of the month. But thanks to insanely lax regulation, the very products we turn to make our week-long hell slightly less hellish canactually do more harm than good. The big name-brand products we all stock up on are actually full of toxins, chemicals, and bleaching agents that can have extremely adverse health effects. We’ve all been warned about Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), right? Well the chemicals used in products meant to be put up in there are the primary reason for its existence; I am going to give an overview of what manufacturers are putting in pads and…

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